1. Internet is often referred to as .......
a. another world
b. the virtual world
c. world of fiction
d. the real world
d. the real world
2. what is WWW ?
a. wide web world
b. world wide web
c. web wide world
d. world wide world
3. what is extension of MAN ?
a. multimedia area network
b. Metro area network
c. metropolitan area network
d. micro area network
4. the application on the internet that has function to send mail is ......a. chatting
b. E-mail
c. Newslater
d. Blog
5. At 1969, DARPA was construct the Internet that has known as ...........
6. what is MILNET ?
a. Milimeter nerwork
b. Military net
c. Military Nation
d. Military nework
7. what is NSFNET ?
a. national science foundation network
b. north science and foundation network
c. national society and foundation network
d. national society and farmer network
8. what is HTML ?
a. hyper text mark us language
b. hyper text mark is language
c. hyper text mark in language
d. hyper text mark up language
9. which one is as software forget Internet connection ?
a. Modem
b. HUB
c. Router
d. Internet Ekplorer
10. what is extension of modem ?
a. Moderator demo
b. Moderator demodulator
c. Modul demodulator
d. Modul demo